Tuesday, October 2, 2007

In case you didn't already know, "SendOutCards" is my top business opportunity pick for 2007. As you've seen on this website, I've tested many affiliate programs on the internet and you'll find this to be the only company I give a "Perfect 10." Yes, Send Out Cards gets a perfect 10 out of 10 for having the best support team, the most unique product and being the easiest for even a beginner to start getting some serious checks coming in the mail.

Even if you don't join Send Out Cards as a business opportunity, you can easily increase and enhance your existing business using Send Out Cards as a tool to show your customers and prospects that you care about them.

Have you ever noticed how just about every successful company or individual working from home keeps their customers loyal to them by sending a simple "Paper & Ink" card in the U.S. mail from time to time. Unlike email which is a "COLD" way to communicate and often ends up caught in spam filters or deleted, the cards you'll read about below will have a 100% delivery rate. This means you'll keep all your customers for life and you're prospects will start paying more attention to you as well. Yes, your customers and prospects will respect you and truly appreciate you once you understand what's written down below.

SendOutCards.com provides postcards, greeting cards, thank you cards and basically cards for all occasions. So what could possibly be new or exciting about that? Well, here's what's new and unique and here's what can put money in your pocket: SendOutCards allows you to save time and money by sending someone a "Real Paper and Ink" Card right from your computer. Yes, you'll be able to choose from hundreds of cards online and you can click on the card of your choice just as fast as sending an email. Ohhh, but that's where the similarity to email ends... These cards are a direct mail tool that makes email look like a kids toy! Yes, these cards don't run the risk of ending up in a spam filter or deleted, because they're physically delivered the old fashioned way. Each card you send is guaranteed to be delivered right to the mailbox in front of your recipients home. And did you know a "Paper & Ink" greeting card delivered to your home is 11 times more likely to be opened than anything else in your mailbox (except for bills of course).

So SendOutCards.com is really a company that mixes the hi-tech internet with good-old-fashioned paper and ink cards we all know and love. This isn't one of those "E-Cards" or email cards that nobody reads or even cares about. Those cards make it seem like you didn't care enough to take the time to go down to a store and pick out a "REAL" card. Plus those cards usually end up getting caught in spam filters.

With SendOutCards, each time you send a card, the recipient will have no way of knowing you didn't take the time to drive to a store, stand in line, (pay twice the price you needed to), fill the card out, or stick a stamp on the envelope. SendOutCards does all that for you for about half the price of Hallmark or Walmart and you don't even have to leave you home!

Yes, SendOutCards lets you choose from the same great variety of cards you'd see in a retail store except you don't have to waste your time, gas or money going to the store because SendOutCards puts the store on your computer screen! So you just pick out the card on your own computer, and with one click of a button, a very expensive computer signs the card with your signature. How can this company put your signature inside the card? Simple, you just upload your signature into their website one time and it's forever in their system, ready to go on any card at any time with the click of your mouse.

I like SendOutCards.com because they have an "In Demand Product" we all need and use at less than half the price of the old fashioned, brick and mortar store prices...not something all companies can claim. Not only does this company beat the price of Hallmark, Walmart, or other retail stores, but those place aren't going to actually put a stamp on your envelope, insert your signature, and go drop it in the mailbox for you. Also, Hallmark and Walmart aren't going to let you insert a picture into the card itself. With one click of your mouse, SendOutCards actually makes any photo of your choice, a part of the card itself! All this for less money than a Walmart or Hallmark card? Yes, it saves you time, money, the gas it would take you to drive to the store, as well as the frustration of driving/parking etc.

Best of all, you get to make a rock solid income by offering this system to other people like yourself. When you describe to them what you've just read on this web page anyone in their right mind will want to join. I know because almost everyone I've told has joined!

Plus, if you already have a business, SendOutCards let's you load your entire customer list into their system and lets you mail to your list as often as you'd like. Unlike spam, people actually like getting these cards from you, so this is a great way to stay in touch with your customers. This system turns prospects into customers, and lets you announce new products, services or features to your existing list of customers.
Plus there's another huge benefit I haven't even told you about yet...
SendOutCards actually gives you an online calendar so it reminds you when it's time to send the people in your life that special card. Whether it's friends, relatives, or customers, you can tell the SendOutCards system to automatically send all your cards on the correct dates without even lifting a finger.

All this for less than the price of a Walmart or Hallmark card? Yes...And of course it gets even better when you look at the fact that this company will pay you a serious income if you'd like to offer others the ability to take advantage of this incredible new technology!

If you do any sort of business or promotions, this system is a must for you. Why? Simple, you can use a new marketing technique called "Thank you card marketing." It's actually not all that new, people and companies have been doing it for years, but they've been lazy about it because it normally takes so much money and physical labor to get all your cards delivered. But not anymore. Now that SendOutCards signs all your cards with your "REAL" signature, inserts them in their envelopes, puts a stamp on them, and mails them for you, it's easy. This new technology SendoutCards uses is causing a major revolution in marketing to take place.
"Thank you card marketing" is the hottest new trend to hit the internet. A thank you card has always been a "Secret, back door" method to reach people with a message, but now you can finally do it on a large scale. Think about this: People throw away all mail that looks like junk, but everyone knows the feel and shape of a greeting card and everyone opens them! You know you do too! We all feel special when we get a "REAL" paper and ink card and this is your new secret weapon to get any advertisement or message through to the people that would otherwise throw your message in the garbage!

Mark my words and remember this: I've tested and reviewed affiliate programs my whole adult life and I've never seen one that pays as much as this or one so simple to get started with. I can speak from personal experience, when you use SendOutCards You'll have more friends and more business than you know what to do with. I absolutely am positively, 100% certain this company is going to be as well known as Starbucks within the next 2 years! I didn't wait to grab my chunk of all this money and I don't suggest you wait on this one either.

But understand this: The knowledge I have about SendOutCards can easily mean the difference between your success or failure at this. Knowledge is power so don't stick your head in the sand and pretend you couldn't use a little inside information from someone "IN-THE-KNOW."

When you're ready to know the "SendOutCards Secret" call me at 508-432-0545 and it will only take about 3 minutes to show you how you're about to triple or quadruple the income you're making right now.

Click Here to go directly to the headquarters or main website of Send Out Cards.

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